Friday, December 24, 2010

Indoor Basketball Paris

2011 Kings Parade area to create literary evening young

From now on, young people have a space Guareña for the creation, which can and should develop their imagination in all kinds of arts: theater, dance, music, computer ... etc.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by Mr. D. Guillermo Fernández Bara, President of the Junta de Extremadura, as well as the Municipal Corporation de Guareña.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Due On Period But Only Discharge

III Cultural Association" Luis Chamizo "Autum's

A lovely evening of life and work of Miguel Hernandez, who like every year we presented the Cultural Association "Luis Chamizo" for this holiday season. This year's conference in charge of the writer and poet, Amelia Peco Roncero.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Replace Batteries Inova Micrilight

Fall Weather Weather

It´s weather of Autumn, it´s the best season of the year now, for to come at country with your camera; there is a scale of marvellous colours.

We should catch the camera and to take a photo that colours, also the light is special for the photography; above all the first hour in the morning and when fall the afternoon.

Fall is time, now is the best time of year to take the field with our camera, there is a tremendous range of colors.

should take the machine and photograph those colors, too light for photography is special, especially early in the morning and when evening falls.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Solaraze Gell Roseaca

El Cristo de las Aguas: history, tradition and sentiment

Among the events of the 25 th Anniversary of the union of guilds: Santa Cruz and Ntra. Ms . of Sorrows yesterday we had the opportunity to enjoy the lecture "El Cristo de las Aguas: History, Tradition and sentiment, by the Doctor in Geography and History Don Juan García Murga.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Black Guy With Ear Gauges

The Grill House Restaurant: Come and enjoy the maximum in this season's F. ..

The Grill House Restaurant: Come and enjoy the maximum in this season's F. .. : Uploaded with "

Small Sailboat Specifications

Come and enjoy the maximum in this season's Grill House

Uploaded with

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Where Do I Find Red Mascara

Characteristics of a scientific study

In the world in which we are increasingly specialized and complex, to ascertain the validity of an assertion (that is, seeing or thinking that our hypothesis is consistent with the known universe), especially when many variables play or can play a role You must have extensive knowledge not only of matter itself, but also the method to use for this test. In a blog I found the features that should have this check:

Copy the example he uses to tell if a fertilizer works or not:

want to see if a subscription is good for plants.
  • I can trust what happens to a single tree on the farm: the same is at the entrance of the canal, receives more water than the rest and so does best ... So I'm going to take five hundred trees ( sample size).
  • And, of course, just this year for more sun and better temperature and therefore grow more beautiful, regardless of the fertilizer. So I have to see another group of trees in the same conditions but without allowing subscribers and see what happens ( control group).
  • addition, this payment may make the trees need more water, but I still do not know. And if I fall on the estate which is in the valley of the river is very useful, but if you use inland dry trees. So fertilizaré trees of different farms ( representativeness of the sample).
  • may also, by coincidence (or because I'm the manufacturer), pay only the best irrigated farms: normal then grow healthier trees! Were it not better draw lots which pieces fertilizer and which not? ( randomisation) and to ensure that differences are only that, the trees have to be as similar as possible to each other. That also gets assigned at random (always que tenga suficientes elementos, claro).
  • Y, después de discurrir todo esto, yo me pregunto: ¿qué es lo que realmente me importa, que crezcan más lozanos, o que den más peras y más gordas? Hombre, si miro el verdor de los árboles sabré el resultado sin tener que esperar a cosechar… pero lo que a mí me parece frondoso, a otro puede que no. Vale, es más rápido observar la finca y ver su aspecto, que contar las peras que da cada uno y medir su calibre. Pero es que, realmente, la frondosidad o los brotes me la traen bastante floja. Yo quiero saber si usar el abono se traduce en mejores frutos ( solidez de las variables de resultado ).
  • Moreover, it is true that pears measure is more objective than the appearance of the tree, but I'm going with the prejudice that this property is has never given good fruit or This fertilizer can not be good and without accidentally altered the results. I'm not saying cheating, eye! Pears say fatter measure unconsciously, or take the weakest tree. So it will be better if the person measuring the results do not know what farms are paid or not, so we make sure that is completely objective ( single-blind, double or triple ).
  • Perfect. I puzzled to plan, I paid, I picked up, and I have here a lot of notebooks with data. "What the hell do I do with them? Statistics. Mathematical process to which I answer a question: Are there differences between treated trees and non? And, if so, how these differences can be casual, or too big to be a mere coincidence? ( statistical significance). Imagine you throw a coin: I hope the faces go half and half tails. If I throw it thirty times, you may face in seventeen out. But joke or should go thirty-fold: if it happens, is that the coin is a trick!