Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where Do I Buy Red Mascara In Store

Madrileños First I think it was in the world, the original program, which still put on TV autonomica madrileña. Era (es) un ingenioso programa en el cual un equipo de television acompaña por un dia a un madrileño que vive fuera de España, para que le enseñe como vive por alli, cuales son las costumbres mas curiosas del sitio, como se ha adaptado, que echa de menos y cuando piensa volver. Porque ademas, quitando algun viejales con hijos y nietos ya de su nuevo pais de adopcion, todos piensan en volver. O al menos piensan en no estar alli toda su vida, que ya es bastante. Y es que como en España en ningun sitio, verdad?

Bueno, despues creo que fue Españoles en el mundo, que es la version nacional, en tve, de lo que era Madrileños en el mundo. Y ya la moda se extendio como la polvora y ahora hay practically every regional channels a substitute for these original programs.

And we like to see what the hell makes people so far from Spain, and above all we like to see how much I miss the food, climate, and above all, what ifs that are out there.

the end, not only on public television this happens, but also the private broadcasters have released their version, a little more yellow, this type of program. International Street have so for example, where besides showing a English does in Bangkok, then also will be filming in the neighborhood of sluts that always has its charms.

For me the most beautiful of these programs is that English (or Andalusian or Madrid or Valencia) is a resident who does the script of the program, thus giving his particular vision of the city. To me when I see this type of program gives me a little feeling of visiting a friend who lives there, instead of the typical sense of documentary or tourist guide ... well, documentaries or tourist guides. And you already have an age, a few kilometers behind them and a number of museums and churches seen, and since what I like when I go to a new city is giving me a tour of one of its parks, have a coffee in a your local cafe, sit in a crowded square to read the newspaper or going out to dinner in the neighborhood pijippi. And this is precisely what I show this type of program.

Now I've learned that tve plans to foreigners in Spain, a kind of copy of this, but counting the lives of foreigners living in different cities, their arrival, adaptation, their feelings about Spain, etc.. I think it's a good idea, and if I have the opportunity, I would like to view.

Although the more I like to see another program, English in Spain. And I'm not referring to the interior immigration, Andalusian and Galician Barcelona Madrid, but people of Murcia in Murcia and people of Salamanca in Salamanca. One of the things that surprised me most of my life abroad is the lack of knowledge that the English have of Spain. We complain a lot of clichés and stereotypes that many have of us guiris without However, we often operate with the same or more topics and stereotypes people far from us 300 or 400 km only. For each English, Spain is his city, his way of making paella and wine of the region. And everything else, is abroad. A more distant foreign than London or Paris or (low-cost means) we know almost everyone.

English in Spain.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wrestling Singlets In Store

Prohibition of Hydrogen Monoxide

Criticamelo not usually in public campaigning, but the issue is troubling and pressing importance. The governments hide information, but this substance is highly dangerous and kills thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are accidental ingestion of this substance, but the dangers of hydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to this substance in the solid state causes serious damage to the skin. Symptoms scientifically proven intake monoxide and hydrogen are sweating excessive urination, nausea, vomiting and dizziness, and alters the body electrolyte imbalance. Besides, this substance is highly addictive, and once addicted, stop using it permanently leads to death.

Other hazards include

  • is also known as hydric acid, and is one of the major components of "acid rain".
  • contributes to "greenhouse effect"
  • can cause serious burns if skin contact.
  • contributes the erosion of the natural landscape.
  • accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
  • may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of the brakes of the cars.
  • has found traces of this substance into cancerous tumors.
need urgent assistance to governments to take the fight against this fatal chemical among its highest priorities. The lives of millions of people depends on it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mortgage Of Twin Towers

Aid to earthquake victims in Haiti and substitutes

already know that something is very wrong and always there to help and not just at peak times, but sometimes the magnitude of the disaster is so great and above it is up to those already pretty fucked up, that we solidarity asshole open and thereafter enters us goodism.

If you take the good, in our country of adoption, Belgium, has been centralized assistance to victims on a website called 1212 ( where you can make donations directly or you can choose a associations that are working directly in Haiti and no doubt they need the money.


Best Place In Bangalore On Birthday

urban legend has it that one day I was talking to a friend Wittgenstein on the terrestrial rotation to the Sun ..

- Dude: It is normal before people thought it was the Sun that the Earth revolved around because it is the movement that is visible from Earth.
- Wittgenstein: it is assumed that there would to see from Earth if the Earth that revolved around the sun?

... reality is what we see, or our own prejudices?

Monday, January 4, 2010

80s Aerobics Party 2010

Reality Happy 2010: Aircraft

I wish all who read me (who are few and infidels) a happy 2010 filled with health, money and love (yes, in that order) Step

relatare the gifts I have brought the Kings ( if, a few days before, but always the Kings) and also for my birthday:
    spatial ability
  • game called "prisoner" who I'm going to get when I have free time. Red
  • tennis notebook decathlon, with their bats and balls, to play at the dinner table
  • Money that in times of crisis comes in handy.
  • A clock radio: 2010 is the year where I start to wake with an alarm every day, something not done since 2007. See if so get to work sooner.
  • Two shirts, one of those going to work. And a belt ("nothing is more ugly than a pants without belt)
  • A shirt of those that are not cotton for sports, specifically for tennis.
  • Strong Always Disc 2, SFDK (I have not heard yet over, but looks great)
  • A radio for the car (this one, but a gift is a recycling of an old radio that he had plenty to my brother, but to my mind as a gift too)
  • A London Blue Gin bottle (my favorite gin)
  • The book Run, rabbit! Cain and the book.
  • A lollipop.
And these are my goals (have more detail than this I'll put here, but this is not the diary of Patricia, I do not dwell so much): Slimming
  • Arrive early to work
  • not drink alcohol in 2010 (partly from the former)
Well, what are your purposes and your gifts?

Hello everyone!