Friday, December 24, 2010

Indoor Basketball Paris

2011 Kings Parade area to create literary evening young

From now on, young people have a space Guareña for the creation, which can and should develop their imagination in all kinds of arts: theater, dance, music, computer ... etc.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by Mr. D. Guillermo Fernández Bara, President of the Junta de Extremadura, as well as the Municipal Corporation de Guareña.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Due On Period But Only Discharge

III Cultural Association" Luis Chamizo "Autum's

A lovely evening of life and work of Miguel Hernandez, who like every year we presented the Cultural Association "Luis Chamizo" for this holiday season. This year's conference in charge of the writer and poet, Amelia Peco Roncero.