Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Project Report On New Business

Exporting a DataGrid to Excel using AS3 and. NET

I haven't found on the Internet any complete solution for this problem using C# as the calling page receiving the Request object, so that's why I post it here. Hope this helps.

AS3 (Flex) code (taken from WiredWizard Web Design blog ) :

//Filename: Test_AS32XLS.mxml

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

import mx.controls.Alert;

import mx.core.UIComponent;

import mx.core.Container;
import mx.utils.ObjectProxy;
import flash.errors .*;
import .*;
import flash.external .*;
import flash. net.URLLoader;

public was urlExcelExport: String = "here you need to write your url reference two SaveToXLFile.aspx";

[Vol Able]
private the initial data: ArrayCollection;

private function initApp (): void {
initialData = new ArrayCollection([{first:'aaa', last:'zzz', email:''},

{first:'bbb', last:'yyy', email:''}]);


private function loadDGInExcel():void {

var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();

variables.XLtabletoconvert = convertDGToHTMLTable();

var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlExcelExport); = variables;

u.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

navigateToURL (u, "_self");}

private function convertDGToHTMLTable (): String {

dg.setStyle ("header color", "# 33FFFF");
dg.setStyle ("dem color", "# 33FF00 ");

was font: String = dg.getStyle ('fontFamily');
were size: String = dg.getStyle ('fontsize');
was str: String ='';
was Colors: String = ' ';
was style: String =' style = "font-family: '+ font +'; font-size: '+ size +' pt;" ';
was hcolor: Array;

if (dg.getStyle ("headerColor")! = Undefined) {
hcolor = [dg.getStyle ("headerColor")];
} else {
hcolor dg.getStyle = ("headerColors ");}

str + = '';

for (var i int = 0; in
colors dg.getStyle = (" Them color ");

if (dg.columns [i]. HeaderText: = undefined) {str + =
} else {str + =
" ";

str + = ' ";
colors dg.getStyle = (" alternatingRowColors ");
for (var j: int = 0; j
str + = '

for (var k: int = 0; k < dg.columns.length; k++) {

if (dg.dataProvider . getItemAt (j): = undefined & & dg.dataProvider.getItemAt (j): = null) {

if (dg.columns [k]. labelFunction! = undefined) {
str + = "";

} else {str + = "";


str + = "";
str + = "
"+ dg.columns [i]. HeaderText +" "+ dg.columns [i]. DataField +"
" + dg.columns [k]. labelFunction (dg.dataProvider.getItemAt (j), dg.columns [k]. dataField) + " " + dg.dataProvider.getItemAt (j) [dg.columns [k]. dataField] + "

return str;



C# code:

// Filename: SaveToXLFile.aspx.cs

public partial class SaveToXLFile : System.Web.UI.Page


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


// Change the response headers to output a Temporal XL File


Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";

Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=myfilename.xls");

// Get the variable and write it to the Response object

String x = Request["XLtabletoconvert"];






Also, due to .NET Framework validation of Request object not to get cross-coding, you'll need to add in your SaveToXLFile.aspx the following directive:

<%@ Page ValidateRequest="false" ...

Amitriptyline & Trimethoprim

The Theory of Evolution and its implications (II)

I left abandoned (for now) the series of Seville which I two tickets to complete this of evolution. When finished with this return with the other.

We said yesterday ... (Yes, yesterday!)

That the Earth is full of living beings. He also said that complex things like an eye of a fly or a human brain, or an earthworm have a negligible probability of being by random combination. And even less, all three at once, combined with the millions and millions of different living things we know to have existed or exist. If this were the result of chance, it would be possible (in a time soooo big, it's likely to happen, at least as an exception), things would be very different: the living would not seem like hell with each other. And there would be no evidence indicating increasing complexity (as is the case). And given the number and diversity (within similar) life would be logical to think that chance will also create new and complex beings from time to time. And that, folks, like everything in life, may also be possible, as could be possible that in the Euromillions touch for 100 weeks at the same 5 antics, but I tell you that the second week shut down the kiosk with a fuck scandal.

Total, which if this life is not a matter of chance, there is "something" that orders and makes the order of complexity gradually increase (the human brain is the most complex object ever observed in the Universe). Given this something we have had a historic choice of explanation, that is called God. With God I do not mean the Judeo-Christian God or the Roman gods or any other, but an abstract figure serves as an explanation of the complexity of living beings.

However, the concept of a God creator of life more complex inserted in the system than trying to solve: in fact the only thing we do is shift the problem of complexity, not solving it.

What we say is that there be (or whatever) enough complex to be able to design / create the complexity developed by all living organisms detected and studied until now. This must necessarily be to be able to create an eye, should be a lot more complex than an eye, to create a cell of wheat, should be a lot more complex than a cell of wheat, etc ... And we have the problem, but increased by several orders of magnitude: as we explain now the complexity of God?

Well, now we know that if this complexity is here or not because of fate, or God, and yet it is ubiquitous. Humanity was a little lost on this issue until a man named Charles Darwin public on November 24 , 1859 " On the Origin of Species " We welcome the day with a startling assertion: the complexity (the living) has evolved over time from a single common ancestor for it using natural selection. Booooooooooooommmmmmmmmm!! ( this is the sound of the explosion he had to make a head when in the nineteenth century learned about this idea as very transgressive)

For the next login, you see that the implications of living beings we come from a common ancestor, and that's that natural selection, and return back to the subject of the chance to discover the first living being.

continue ...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Clean Bialetti Aluminium

The Theory of Evolution and its implications (I)

After seeing a magnificent entrance to Peter in his blog on our situation in the universe / multiverse , I would like to explain a little what I could understand that is the theory of evolution ( also called the Theory of Natural Selection and Darwinian theory), I consider it a fundamental part of human knowledge and clearing A big unknowns.

This theory has been said (although it has been said of General Relativity Theory of Einstein) that is the greatest idea ever has been created by one person.

seems almost joke that with the observation of phenomena was exposed to Darwin could develop this theory (especially, still far from comprehensive genetic knowledge we have today, where the theory comes true sense)

Before, I would like to clarify that scientific vocabulary, a theory is a theoretical model used to explain reality. And the reality, also in scientific vocabulary is that with which we interact. As a model, this means you can explain / describe reality, but only to a point, and also the predictable, but only to some extent. The first is called limits of the theory, the latter, error of the theory. We must also say that Law and Theory are synonyms in the scientific vocabulary. In short, when we Theory of Evolution, we are not thinking it's a guess or something not totally proven or someone's crazy idea that someone else will have to try: scientific truth is at its best (and know what I mean by scientific truth, his is read Popper)

Well, we started at the beginning. The earth is full of living beings. Some are big, small, tall, short, green, red, yellow, horns, feathers, flowers and roots, with cilia and that "breathe" sulfur. And many more. Living things are "objects" or "things" highly complex. For there is a snail, for example, millions of components, each already in itself a very complex thing, working together for a common good (we'll see which is the good). If a fraction of those components do not do what he does, the shell (or dog, or coriander, or the bacteria that creates yogurt, or whatever) would not exist. Another way of saying that there is a complex object that is to say that the probability of its existence is very low. And this is the same as saying that if only chance is involved in a process will be very difficult, almost impossible, that there are complex things. However

... back to the beginning: The Earth is full of living beings.

continue ...

Connecting External Usb Drive For Lcd Tv

Happy Birthday, Mafalda

Dear Mafalda:

Congratulations on your birthday it is today. Do not tell your age because not to do with girls, besides, you preserved your very young. Thanks to you and your friends understood many things about the world we share, and above all to know that even the most serious things are better understood with a little humor.

hope you continue with us for many more years.

Your friend, Kike

Monday, September 28, 2009

A=card Game Frustration Rules

Sevilla (II)

Sevilla is, apart from a "city" of legs and small-town, my hometown. Well, somewhere had to be born, but nothing I can identify with this rancid Congenital that numbs the inhabitants of most people in the world.

And, contrary to what many of Seville, who have only left Sevilla to go to the beach Matalascañas, and maybe some organized trip to Rome or Paris, I have traveled extensively Europe. And the more one travels, the more you realize what is sectarian and Sevilla palette.

breathes freedom in Amsterdam. People go to the ball and do not look if you're brother of Great Power or the Macarena to sell you dope. They go everywhere with their bikes, but not as in Seville, where even that we do wrong, no respect for anyone, with half of the damaged public bikes. And bike lanes pitiful ... For that would have been better not to put them. And that if everyone speaks English. Anda like here. I thank goodness that one summer I went to London to work in a McDonalds, and thanks to that I defend. Too bad I feel when taking the tourists we have in Sevilla, bartenders or people do not know English stores to serve them properly.

I have also recently been in Paris, that wonder of the city. Is culture everywhere, alternative theater, music, modern art exhibitions, concerts, intimate jazz in small venues ... All that remains here. The Parisians if you know how to live and enjoy the city they have, it shows they want it and take care. But hey, that's a religious country, not Spain that we have. And food, gentlemen! In any restaurant you go, and as you order a steak first thing they do is ask the point of cooking (I always ask bleu) and always stick! Just like in The Iberian colonial pen! It's a bit expensive but the quality is paid.

Now the mayor, rather than focus only support the Betis and see what the next cover of the fair, which is that what is spent, because it has entered the modern vein is putting metro, tram bike paths, pedestrianized streets, etc ... As if that will bring us closer to Europe! Anda because there is nothing! Also, does everything in crappy plan. The subway seems the centimeter, one line that does not cover anyone. The tram derailed every now and takes less walking for the journey that makes shit, and everything like that. What is needed here is not metro or tram, but a change of attitude of people. The cessation of the legs, canis, so fair and Easter and are dedicated to changing things: more shows (and not flamenco, it seems that is all we have!), More theater, more shows, more concerts, more film (and original version, not the American crap we get.)

The other day I found a cousin of mine who lives in Brussels. I have that envy you! I've never been, but that if it is a cosmopolitan and avant-garde! Solo Tintin is to be read to realize that there are years ahead of us all.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Stop Alcohol Gastritis Will Go Away

Sevilla (I)

Sevilla is, apart from the world's best, my hometown. And thank goodness I was born there because otherwise might have been born elsewhere, as in Helsinki or in Kuala Lumpur. And that makes a Seville born in Kuala Lumpur, so far as this so? And the cold has to do in Helsinki on a winter Sunday at 5 pm! Remove, remove, and in my Seville nowhere.

For that, miarma that nothing like this. Look, I've been in Madrid that I have family there, in Rome on a tour organized by the Brotherhood and the Pope visiting Paris with a trip organized by Peña Betica in my neighborhood. Well, Isla Canela and I have a little flat, and sometimes I make trips to Portugal to eat grilled fish, but that does not count as foreign because it is ours.

And Madrid is the capital and are all very nice and well kept, and that meters are nicer, and bigger! In Seville we need not metro, it is a city that can go everywhere on foot, but still and all have a line, we will not be less than anyone. Well, what he said, in Madrid everything very well placed, but is that people are not the same. Everyone there speaks very Fisna and not know how to enjoy life as we do here. The bars also were full, but I asked a sprinkle on top of a bar and did not know what it was ...

After Rome, the Italians what they have is that they are just like us. I do not know these languages \u200b\u200bor anything, I understood there as at home, only had to speak a little louder and gesturing more, but that's what they do well. You want us there a lot, especially the Andalusians, because we are more similar. The beautiful city, it's worth, and do lean to the Pope for the balcony is something that is priceless, almost as nice as seeing the Blessed Virgin out of the stately Basilica Macarena of every Easter.

And finally Paris, that is one beautiful city! Monuments everywhere, the tower Eiffel, Notre-Dame, the Louvre Museum! But it's cold, miarma. It was summer and we had to go with a vest all day. And a couple of days it rained. The Parisians are a little bland but you find some that another son of English immigrant half gibberish you and starts talking to you: are looking back, they strip the land. Well, go price! For a coffee and a croissant, 6 euros! I bought euros for six half Horno de San Buenaventura ... 1.80 I have breakfast and coffee with oil and ham toasted (bread muffin, that's what Paris does not exist) in the bar La Estrellita de Triana. And there will come fatal. The French cooking that have no idea: they put sauces on everything, so that all meat tastes the same. That desire I had to return and go to one of these inns Aljarafe Jince Iberian pen as God intended! Total

, which came to say is that, as in Seville, in any place. And that the mayor we have now is charging the little that was left with both Sevillanía bike lane, such as mushrooms modern plaza in the Incarnation. To put 4 mushrooms, I had left the Incarnation as it was. And now he says he will pedestrianise Asuncion Street Los Remedios! This man does not know, but if all the life that God has been pedestrian street! Come not to me I sometimes have walked from Plaza de Cuba Carrero Blanco to end up in the Real! And the Alameda have seen as you have left? With a color misplaced tiles on the floor that what looks like a discarded box of Miro. The other day, more than anything for the novelty, I ride the little train of the witch that they have put on the Avenue. That laughter, Marialuisa. It was moving in all directions, but in the end and you learn, the journey takes 5 minutes, I think it takes less walking. Luckily

among all these outrages are doing the mayor, at least this year my Betis, but in the second, giving us joy. The Pavone and Sergio Garcia are to come, and is now one Benito Villamarin (Manuel Ruiz de Lopera I do not call) with another mood, because last season was little pain ...

The other day I found the son of a cousin of mine who lives in Brussels. This This all day here, whenever he can catch a plane and escapes. Will be longing for, with the cold you have to do there ... And so bland and dull the Belgians! He tells me not so bad, but I know that as in Seville in anywhere, miarma!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Gilligan Island Invite

Don Beer

Don've never been in Ostia in particular, or the Basque in general. This weekend, taking advantage of the Festival of San Sebastian and the floor of a friend who kindly invited me, I can say I've been in both places.

De San Sebastian
everyone always says is beautiful, and they're right. In my San Sebastian only 2 things I conjured up so far.

one hand, a bit of idol worship fan phenomenon, being the homeland (and current housing too) of Don Fernando Savater. I must say that I have few real idols, characters we truly admire your courage, intellectual prowess, humor or other number of reasons. Ferdinand is undoubtedly one of them, on the short list of my mind which is also another Fernando Arrabal, Chiquito de la Calzada, or Jesus Quintero. But Savater is special, I've read almost all his work (in book, newspaper articles are too numerous to keep track) and I love how he writes, as he thinks, as it is and as it says it all. So there I was walking along the Playa de la Concha or tapas in the bars of the Old Town, like to think that some of my footsteps coincided in space (not time, because that would be a full-fledged stamp) with the Master.

On the other hand, the second thing that made me remember San Sebastian was the subject of the "Basque conflict", or more clearly the bastard gunmen who kill people involved in cowardice, and that support, justify or simply silent. Anyway, one thing is seeing the demonstrations on TV and another to see your shirt borrokinis "Where's Waldo?" through the center of San Sebastian. And yet there is a small city, but there are little details that do not breathe in a normal climate. Another balcony with some flags for "Euskal Euskal Herrira Presoak, some menus in restaurants at all least in English language imaginable, etc. But also a bar where they placed the semifinals of Eurobasket, and the flag of Spain is now (I think that since the ruling PSOE thereabouts) presides over the balcony of City Hall in San Sebastian.

Surely a highly recommended place where I want to go back (with more time!)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why Would You Tattoo Your Genitals


I have a friend who works in the lobby of the brewery in Spain. They take care to make it appear that beer is our friend and that is a food and there is nothing wrong with it, to drink more, only I have to say that I do not have to convince me.

And it is precisely this entry. Because in promotional ads values \u200b\u200bsuperfluous praise of beer as the beer is the drink / food, or that is good for health, or to refresh a lot? Why not expose the real reason why beer is wonderful?

And the beer is wonderful because it's closer to those nearby, and near strangers. It's that simple. When one takes 3 or 4 beers over, the happier, more social, more about the other: in short, is MORE PERSON.

Simple as that.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pirates Of Caribbean With Jesse Jane

Each person has a number of measures to describe the goodness of a trip. There are some who are set on the number of monuments / museums visited other in the number of pickups, others in the cups that are drunk and others in the sunshine to have been exposed. There are however others (among whom I include myself) for which the goodness of the trip was based on a single parameter: the quality of the services of the place visited. And I do not mean services the hotel cafeteria open 24 hours or that have Wi-Fi or that the city has a decent public transport network ... Bluntly, what I mean is shite.

And Borges was saying is that if every man in the moment of orgasm is the same man, I say that everyone at the time of eschatological urgency is the same person, and there's nothing more to ease the soul and spirit and the power vent body quietly in an incomparable quality service.

For those who have struggled in the worst places, say that but really all it takes is a hollow and a bit of paper, one with age and experience gets the same is getting more exquisite, and while quality paper is essential if it is at least pleasant. Such as hotels, let us make a classification of services by stars, depending on the facilities offered.

1 Star (*)

a drummer, sucillo, uncovered, and with little or no role. For this category it is necessary the valuable help of a friend (usually friends) who ALWAYS leads clinex them. The tank does not always work, check first.

2 Stars (**)

Bater, and with cover, and paper. Tank in good condition, although cleaning is not exquisite.

3 Stars (***)

's a **, but with higher cleaning standards. You can have brush. Some (*** superior category) have a sink with soap for hands.

4 Stars (****)

As the ***, but with brush and toilet as standard. Hang coats / coat rack in the door optional.

5 Stars (*****)

All of ****, but with tiles lattices, and even magazines or newspapers at the entrance to serve yourself. The cleaning standards are very high, come on, I could eat soup in them. Hors-serie

or outside category is the issue of signage in services, and as a sign of a button (taken with the phone in a restaurant in Trastevere, Rome, sorry for quality):