Friday, September 25, 2009

Stop Alcohol Gastritis Will Go Away

Sevilla (I)

Sevilla is, apart from the world's best, my hometown. And thank goodness I was born there because otherwise might have been born elsewhere, as in Helsinki or in Kuala Lumpur. And that makes a Seville born in Kuala Lumpur, so far as this so? And the cold has to do in Helsinki on a winter Sunday at 5 pm! Remove, remove, and in my Seville nowhere.

For that, miarma that nothing like this. Look, I've been in Madrid that I have family there, in Rome on a tour organized by the Brotherhood and the Pope visiting Paris with a trip organized by Peña Betica in my neighborhood. Well, Isla Canela and I have a little flat, and sometimes I make trips to Portugal to eat grilled fish, but that does not count as foreign because it is ours.

And Madrid is the capital and are all very nice and well kept, and that meters are nicer, and bigger! In Seville we need not metro, it is a city that can go everywhere on foot, but still and all have a line, we will not be less than anyone. Well, what he said, in Madrid everything very well placed, but is that people are not the same. Everyone there speaks very Fisna and not know how to enjoy life as we do here. The bars also were full, but I asked a sprinkle on top of a bar and did not know what it was ...

After Rome, the Italians what they have is that they are just like us. I do not know these languages \u200b\u200bor anything, I understood there as at home, only had to speak a little louder and gesturing more, but that's what they do well. You want us there a lot, especially the Andalusians, because we are more similar. The beautiful city, it's worth, and do lean to the Pope for the balcony is something that is priceless, almost as nice as seeing the Blessed Virgin out of the stately Basilica Macarena of every Easter.

And finally Paris, that is one beautiful city! Monuments everywhere, the tower Eiffel, Notre-Dame, the Louvre Museum! But it's cold, miarma. It was summer and we had to go with a vest all day. And a couple of days it rained. The Parisians are a little bland but you find some that another son of English immigrant half gibberish you and starts talking to you: are looking back, they strip the land. Well, go price! For a coffee and a croissant, 6 euros! I bought euros for six half Horno de San Buenaventura ... 1.80 I have breakfast and coffee with oil and ham toasted (bread muffin, that's what Paris does not exist) in the bar La Estrellita de Triana. And there will come fatal. The French cooking that have no idea: they put sauces on everything, so that all meat tastes the same. That desire I had to return and go to one of these inns Aljarafe Jince Iberian pen as God intended! Total

, which came to say is that, as in Seville, in any place. And that the mayor we have now is charging the little that was left with both Sevillanía bike lane, such as mushrooms modern plaza in the Incarnation. To put 4 mushrooms, I had left the Incarnation as it was. And now he says he will pedestrianise Asuncion Street Los Remedios! This man does not know, but if all the life that God has been pedestrian street! Come not to me I sometimes have walked from Plaza de Cuba Carrero Blanco to end up in the Real! And the Alameda have seen as you have left? With a color misplaced tiles on the floor that what looks like a discarded box of Miro. The other day, more than anything for the novelty, I ride the little train of the witch that they have put on the Avenue. That laughter, Marialuisa. It was moving in all directions, but in the end and you learn, the journey takes 5 minutes, I think it takes less walking. Luckily

among all these outrages are doing the mayor, at least this year my Betis, but in the second, giving us joy. The Pavone and Sergio Garcia are to come, and is now one Benito Villamarin (Manuel Ruiz de Lopera I do not call) with another mood, because last season was little pain ...

The other day I found the son of a cousin of mine who lives in Brussels. This This all day here, whenever he can catch a plane and escapes. Will be longing for, with the cold you have to do there ... And so bland and dull the Belgians! He tells me not so bad, but I know that as in Seville in anywhere, miarma!


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